Without sounding like a complete happy go-lucky, bible thumping, tree-hugging wanna-be; I'd just like to say that so many of us are really blessed and lucky to be alive.
In a world where's there so much sadness, fear, anger, violence and hatred; we are truly fortunate.
We are blessed if we're healthy and happy, if we can see, hear, smell and taste. If we can experience something new once in a while, we are one of the few lucky ones. If we can choose our own destiny within reason, then we are even more fortunate. If we can get up ever day with a roof over our heads, with no fear of imprisonment, persecution or death, if we have clean drinking water, if we have quality education and health care, if we can get in our cars and drive - then we are only a small percentage of the world's population.
We are totally blessed if we have friends and family in our life that can help us through any tough situations. With friends and family to laugh and cry with us, we can make it through the day.
And no matter what happens, with loyal friends and family around we can weather almost any storm. It's almost as if God sends us human angels to guide us along our journey back home to him.
When we look back on our lives, it's not 'what' we had in our lives, nor what we had accumulated in terms of material status and wealth, but who we had alongside us to share the moments with - both the good and bad times. Because they were still 'the times'.
That's all life really is - a serious of moments that we reflect upon as we get older and say 'Man, those times were truly the best!'
I hope to never forget the amazing times of my life, right up to when I get old and wrinkly, lose my teeth and fart in public, I hope I never forget those great moments and the friends I shared those moments with. I trust the bad memories will fade in time on their own, but I know the lessons learned will stay with me. And that's fine. The good times will always be with us in our mind.
I am truly blessed for having everyone in my life.
We are all lucky to have one another.