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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Boris the bumble bee

Boris occasionally comes by the kitchen window on a weekly basis and when that happens I usually hurry to close it just in case he decides to fly into the house.

That would be fun, trust me. Bumble bee in the house? People screaming everywhere? Just like the time a bat flew in one Saturday night, mass hysteria.


That's what I'm calling him anyway. I have no idea if Boris is actually male or female. The fairly large bumble bee looks like a Boris to me.

I wonder what the rest of the garden inhabitants (birds, lizards, flies, spiders and insects) think of Boris? Do they just think he's a cool guy, or are they annoyed with him? Are they scared of him? Do they think he flies too fast? I wonder what the other bees think of good ole Boris. Do they carry on conversations in bee lingo? Do all the bees get along in the bee kingdom?

My late father once held onto a bumble bee, he said he saw the stinger come out and puncture his thumb, he felt fire enter his hand, burned like hell according to him.

I wonder if that was also the same bumble bee, I wonder if that was same ole Boris.

But most of all, I wonder exactly what is a bumble?


  1. Hi, love your Boris post, mede me think of 'the Flight of the bumble Bee', this was one of the tunes played at my grandmother's humanist funeral - and was unbelievably comforting and inspirational. I love bumble bees - and I don't know what a 'bumble' is, but I bumble about plenty :) Enjoyed all your AZ posts so far but don't wish to overload your comments :) cheers

  2. The Urban Dictionary defines "A Bumble" as "A description of a girl who is a bit tubby but is cute and is probably nice to cuddle. Possessing a relativey large, but perfectly formed "bummable" backside." (Before I get hate comments from internet trolls, please bear in mind that I too, am of the tubby type)
    The Oxford Dictionary defines "To Bumble" as "To move or act in an awkward or confused manner."

    With respect to Boris being the bumble bee that stung your dad, alas, bumble bees die when they lose their stingers. :( It was probably Betty.
