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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Nobody tells you how to feel about death

Nobody tells you exactly how you should be after a death in the family.  Some offer limp words of advice, others don't say anything at all. A random few say things they don't mean. Everyone is hoping that in some way, they can ease the pain, subdue the loss that death causes.

Those who have been through this before all have the same weathered, sad-eyes. They all say the same thing - it doesn't go away, the pain, it just becomes more tolerable.

Death is that one thing that makes everyone uncomfortable, no one wants to face it. No one wants to admit that it even exists. We all just hope that death will skip our house and hit the neighbour's house instead.

But death comes to us all. It's just a matter of time. And with that in mind, it dawns on me, maybe it might occur to you someday as well, that most of what we concern ourselves with in this life is just pure and utter nonsense.

No matter who we are, what we've achieved, what's missing in our lives, what we still have left to accomplish, all our unfinished business, all our desires, fears and dreams; all of that death will take.

Death will level the playing field when it takes away from this life what once existed, but now no more.

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