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Monday, April 18, 2016

Open to grace

I've heard that phrase in Anusara yoga - 'Open to grace'.

I've wondered what it meant for a while. Open to whose grace.

What is grace?

Grace is a gift. But we've got to be ready to receive it.

The question is, 'what if we're blocking our own progress by our negative, limited mindset?' What if we're preventing ourselves from receiving grace(s)?

I catch myself saying limiting statements about myself all the time.

I watch as those around me say all sort of negative statements.

I listen as most people always cry down themselves and others.

My girlfriend tells me to not be like that, to look at the bright side, to hope and pray. She's a real treasure, a true spark in this sometimes dismal world. (Thank you Maria!)

She tries really hard to show me the good in everything.

She has helped me to be more open and grateful.

Perhaps that's what being open means?

Open to receiving God's grace.

Open to being grateful.

Open to seeing the bright side of things.

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