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Saturday, September 10, 2022

And the place goes wild by The Sonic Revival Project

Recorded between 2011 and 2014, this album is a collection of ideas I had. Some were riffs from a few year prior to recording, others came to me quickly and I just pressed the record button. 

I had no idea what I was going to do with it, so I shelved it for a while. 

I had asked a few friends to play on the recordings but the timing of the collaborations never materialized.

So, around Christmas 2019, I started adding drum tracks and then I borrowed a friend's bass to complete the recording.

Again, I shelved it till January 2022, when I finally had it mastered. 

Next was finalizing artwork, which took a few months but finally here we are, a new album. 

As it is heavy stuff, I am releasing it under the Sonic Revival moniker, as a sort of tribute to the late Andrew Moffat. Knowing Muff, he would have found this material a bit too left of center and he might have tweaked a few ideas.

But, it is what it is - a snapshot in time.

Hope you like it.


Cesco Emmanuel