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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Rest in peace Cecil Sylvester

I had the best finance lecturer while I was doing my Business Administration degree at UNB via Roytec. His name was Cecil Sylvester. A rather jovial guy, he made every finance course seem so easy. He lectured at Roytec and was the President and Founder of Trinity Consulting Group. He gave much of his time to meeting and consulting with various companies on ways they could improve their business opportunities and to think beyond the dollar sign.

He was a thinker and knew how to do things the right way.

Things that I had struggled with in the past he made it crystal clear to me and everyone in the class. He was one of the best lecturers I ever had. I think I got an A+ in most of his courses and I know it had alot to do with the way he taught his courses.

I heard from one my former classmates that sadly, Cecil had died earlier this month. It was a schock because he was very young.

My biggest regret is that I did not keep in touch with him after I graduated from University. I saw him once or twice after school and we always had great, small encounters.

I had always planned to stay in touch, and I never did.

And now, I'll never have that chance.

Cecil, I am sorry. You were one of my best teachers and for that, I thank you very much. Thank you for everything you taught me.

May you rest in peace.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Why you won't be the person you expect to be

Here's a rather interesting article about how we fail to see our own future


To succeed, forget self-esteem

New year and new beginnings

So here's to 2013!

Let's make this year a great one where we all strive to be the best we can be with self-compassion and understanding towards ourselves, our fellow human beings, all living creatures and our planet.

Let's be responsible citizens of planet Earth.

Let's be happy.

The key to living a happy life, is to just be happy. Happiness is the road itself. There is no road to happiness.

What exactly does that mean?

Find what makes you happy and find a ways and means to live doing what makes you happy. Each and every day.

Small steps. Everyday. Do something that brings you closer to your happiness.

Whatever it may be.

Don't live another moment stuck in limbo, stuck in sadness, stuck in a dead-end job.

Get up, show up, be proactive and work towards your dream.

Strive to be happy.